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Peeters, Flor

° Tielen, 4/07/1903 — † Antwerpen, 4/07/1986

Annelies Focquaert (translation: Joris Duytschaever)

Flor Peeters was born in 1903 in Tielen (Kempen region) as the youngest in a family of eleven. His father, who was postmaster while concurrently serving as verger-organist, died when Flor was only seven. His brothers imparted the basics of music to him, enabling him to accompany his first mass on the organ of his parish at age eight. His first compositions date back to his secondary school days, when he also studied violin and organ. In 1919, at age sixteen, he started studying at the Lemmens Institute, where he was taught by Oscar Depuydt (organ), Jules Van Nuffel (Gregorian chant and analysis), and Lodewijk Mortelmans (counterpoint and fugue). He speeded up his graduation from the usual eight years to a mere four, a record-breaker.

In 1923 he was appointed organist at St Rombout's Cathedral in Mechelen, where he was to serve till the end of his life. He took advantage of his tenure to found, with Jules Van Nuffel, the famous St Rombout's choir. He was also appointed organ teacher at the Lemmens Institute upon the death of Oscar Depuydt, ironically enough at the age of 22 being the junior of most pupils. He was in touch with Widor and Dupré and also corresponded with Charles Tournemire. From the early Thirties the lineaments of an international career appeared: he made concert trips to Denmark, Holland, and Germany.

In 1931 he was appointed organ teacher at the Conservatory of Ghent, even though director Martin Lunssens would have preferred his alumnus Charles Hens, a scheme thwarted by the intervention of Queen Elisabeth in favour of Peeters. In 1939 he was also appointed organ teacher in Tilburg. The Second World War interfered with Peeters's teaching and concert activities, but was not counterproductive for his creative output: immediately after the liberation both his Concerto voor orgel en orkest (Concerto for Organ and Orchestra) and his Te Deum were premiered.

In 1946 he undertook a concert tour to the US and Canada, the first of a long series of tours all over the world that earned him a big name and reputation that have not yet faded. Two years later he said farewell to Ghent to become organ teacher at the Antwerp Conservatory, where he took over as director in 1952. The organ class grew exponentially under his aegis and gained considerable international recognition; as director he managed to house the Conservatory in a new building. The same year 1952 saw the publication of his influential book Ars Organi, an organ method that represents the neo-baroque insights very well.

Between 1952 and 1960 Peeters's time-consuming concert tours were combined with his duties at St Rombout's and the directorship of the Antwerp Conservatory. In 1968 he retired at age 65. However, the Belgian government (particularly Minister van Elslande) felt that it would be a shame to discontinue Peeters's activities and suggested to organize an annual International Organ Master Class in Mechelen, supervised by him. Peeters gracefully obliged and taught many young talents from abroad at those yearly master classes. In 1971 he received an honorary doctorate of the Catholic University of Leuven, while concurrently being dubbed 'baron Flor Peeters', elevating him to the status of nobility. Because he suffered from a bad back he had to stop playing the organ in 1978. He died on his birthday, 4 July, in 1986.

His vast body of work counts 140 opus numbers, with pride of place for organ works (Sinfonia per organo, Vlaamse Rapsodie/Flemish Rhapsody, Modale Suite/Modal Suite, Lied-Symphonie/Lied Symphony, Concerto voor orgel en orkest/Concerto forOrgan and Orchestra), but also works for piano, carillon, chamber music, vocal music (10 masses, songs, Te Deum), a concerto for organ and piano, and several pedagogical works (Ars Organi). He also edited several anthologies of organ music (Anthologia per Organo, Old Netherlands Masters for the Organ).

Flor Peeters's oeuvre for organ grew out of two opposed traditions. On the one hand there is the symphonic tradition of Tournemire, Dupré and Franck, which was mainly important for his early works such as the Symphonische fantasie (Symphonic Fantasy) opus 13 and the Vlaamse Rapsodie (Flemish Rhapsody) opus 37. On the other hand there is the polyphonic tradition of Renaissance and Baroque, from which he took his cue for later works such as his Hymn Preludes for the Church Year (in 24 volumes). Furthermore, he shows a conspicuous preference for the Gregorian style, for modality and for early Flemish masters, while concurrently taking advantage of more contemporary idioms such as polyrhythm and polytonality. His organ works were very popular in the US and continue to be widely played there.

Archief Bibliotheek Conservatorium Antwerpen.

Audio en video

Koraal op. 17/23



Eigen werk

  • Peeters, F. en Vente, M.: De Orgelkunst in de Nederlanden van de 16de tot de 18de eeuw, Antwerpen, 1971.
  • Peeters, F.: Lemmenshulde, in: Musica Sacra, september 1951, p. 102-106.
  • Peeters, F.: The Organist's Repertory. 10: César Franck's Organ Music, in: The Musical Times, jrg. 113, nr. 1550, april 1972, p. 395-397.
  • Peeters, F.: César Franck's Organ Music: 2. Interpretation, in: The Musical Times, jrg. 113, nr. 1551, mei 1972, p. 499-500.

Anderen over deze componist

  • Bate, J.: Peeters, Flor, in: The New Grove, via
  • Bate, J.: Flor Peeters at 70, in: Musical Times, jrg. 114, nr. 1560, 1 februari 1973, p. 185-186.
  • Beechy, G.: The organ music of Flor Peeters, in: The Quaterly Record, nr. 207, april 1967, p. 72–86.
  • Buyssens, M.: Bibliografie Meester Flor Peeters, s.l., 1971.
  • Corbet, A. en Paap, W.: Peeters, Flor, in: Algemene Muziekencyclopedie, dl. 5, Amsterdam, 1961, p. 451-457.
  • D'Hooghe, K.: 60 jaar Flor Peeters, in: Musica Sacra, jrg. 64, nr. 3, september 1963, p. 131-139.
  • D'Hooghe, K.: Flor Peeters (4 juillet 1903 - 4 juillet 1986), in: L'Orgue, nr. 207, juli-augustus-september 1988, p. 15.
  • Donnell Blackham, E.: An analytical study of the formal treatment of the cantus firmus in 30 Chorale Preludes by Flor Peeters, thesis aan de Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah, USA), 1962.
  • Duyck, M.: Flor Peeters, in: Turnhoutse koorcomponisten van de 16e eeuw tot vandaag, Turnhout, s.d., p. 86-88.
  • Fenlon, I.: Peeters, Flor, in: The New Grove, 2e uitgave, dl. 19, New York, 2001, p. 285-287.
  • Florquin, J.: Ten huize van … Flor Peeters, in: Ten huize van... 1, Leuven [Brugge], 1971, p. 351-370, via , online op 20 oktober 2010.
  • Giles, W.: The organ music of Flor Peeters, in: Journal of Church Music, jrg. 9, 1967, p. 8-10, 43.
  • Goffinet, L.: Een monumentaal orgelwerk van Flor Peeters - 70 koraalvoorspelen, in: Musica Sacra, jrg. 59, nr. 3, september 1958, p. 107-116.
  • Hesford, B.: A Companion to Flor Peeters's Opus 100, in: Musical Opinion, jrg. 100, nr. 1192, februari 1977, p. 256-257 (vervolgt in latere nummers - laatste en zesde deel in Musical Opinion, jrg. 100, nr. 1197, p. 497-499).
  • Hesford, B.: The organ works of Flor Peeters, in: Musical Opinion, jrg. 100, nr. 1199, september 1977, p. 603; jrg. 101, nr. 1201, november 1977, p. 49-57; jrg. 101, nr. 1202, p. 101-110.
  • Hofmann, J.: A Study of Pedagogical Values found in Selected Organ Works of Flor Peeters, thesis aan de University of Rochester, NY, USA, 1973.
  • Hofmann, J.: Flor Peeters – His life and his organ works, New York, 1978.
  • Lade, J.: The organ music of Flor Peeters, in: The Musical Times, jrg. 109, nr. 1505, juli 1968, p. 667-669.
  • Leytens, L.: Peeters, Flor, in: MGG, Personentheil, dl. 13, Kassel, 2005, p. 242-243.
  • Marx, B.: Orgelschulen des 20. Jahrhunderts, in: Musica Sacra [Duitsland], jrg. 97, 1977, p. 22-35.
  • Merrill, E.: Thesis on the Organ works of Ch. Tournemire and Flor Peeters, Stanford University (1938-1939).
  • Mohrs, R.: Een Belgisch-Duitse vriendschap: Flor Peeters en Hermann Schroeder, in: Orgelkunst, jrg. 26, nr. 4, december 2003, p. 293-301.
  • N.N.: Flor Peeters, in: Album der jongeren: De jongere Vlaamsche toondichters, in: Vlaamsche muziek nr. 12 (biografische informatie bij bundel composities van Poot, Schoemaker, Mortelmans, Peeters, Albert, Schampaert, Baeyens, Van Beveren, Fouquet), Antwerpen, s.d. (ca. 1928), p. 223.
  • N.N.: Flor Peeters, in: The Musical Times, jrg. 127, nr. 1726, december 1986, p. 705.
  • Peeters, G.: Brieven van Marcel Dupré aan Flor Peeters, in: Orgelkunst, jrg.13, nr. 4, december 1990, p. 167-174; jrg.14, nr. 1, maart 1991, p. 22-34; jrg.14, nr. 2, juni 1991, p. 63-72.
  • Peeters, G.: Catalogus werken Flor Peeters, Antwerpen, 1990.
  • Peeters, G.: Charles Tournemire (1870-1939) en Flor Peeters (1903-1986), in: Orgelkunst, jrg. 12, nr. 4, december 1989, p. 157-163.
  • Peeters, G.: Flor Peeters, leraar, componist, organist, in: Gamma, jrg. 25, nr. 5, september-oktober 1973, p. 206-208.
  • Peeters, G.: Flor Peeters, orgelpunt?, in: Orgelkunst, jrg. 19, nr. 4, december 1996, p. 182-185.
  • Peeters, G.: Flor Peeters on his 70th Birthday, in: Music: the AGO and RCCO Magazine, jrg. 7, nr. 12, 1973, p. 28–29.
  • Peeters, G. en Schroyens, R.: Flor Peeters (1903-1986) - Allegro energico, Antwerpen, 1991.
  • Pieters, P.: Flor Peeters (1903-1986): bij de herdenking van zijn honderdste verjaardag, in: Orgelkunst, jrg. 26, nr. 2, juni 2003, p. 129-148.
  • Ramsey, B.: Organ music - Flor Peeters, in: The Musical Times, jrg. 108, nr. 1489, maart 1967, p. 260.
  • Schoemaker, M.: Flor Peeters, in: Syrinx, jrg. 2 (1938), p. 20-21.
  • Schroyens, R.: De koraalpreludia van Flor Peeters, in: Orgelkunst, jrg.15, nr. 4, december 1992, p. 173-183; jrg.16, nr. 1, maart 1993, p. 33-42.
  • Schroyens, R.: Die Navond en die Roze, 40 jaar herinneringen aan Flor Peeters, in: Jaarboek Kon. Oudheidkundige Kring Mechelen 1984, Mechelen, 1984.
  • Schroyens, R.: Herinneringen aan Flor Peeters ter gelegenheid van zijn 80ste verjaardag, in: Orgelkunst, jrg. 6, nr.2, juni 1983, p. 4-19.
  • Schroyens, R.: Peeters gespeeld, in: Orgelkunst, jrg. 12, nr.1, maart 1989, p. 23-27; jrg. 12, nr.2, juni 1989, p. 70-81.Schroyens, R.: Peeters nagespeeld, in: Orgelkunst, jrg. 13, nr. 1, maart 1990, p. 25-30; jrg. 13, nr. 3, september 1990, p. 123-128.
  • Schroyens, R.: Peeters speelt Peeters, in: Orgelkunst, jrg. 11, nr. 1, maart 1988, p. 26-33; jrg. 11, nr. 2, juni 1988, p. 65-69.
  • Servaes, H.: Flor Peeters' muzikale persoonlijkheid, in: Musica Sacra, jrg. 51, nr. 1, maart 1950, p. 24-30.
  • Verdin, J.: Flor Peeters, in: Handbuch Orgelmusik (Komponisten - Werke - Interpretation), 2e uitgave, Kassel, 2010, p. 256-258.
  • Visser, P.: De laatste werken van Flor Peeters, in: St.-Gregoriusblad, jrg. 83, nr. 1, 1962, p. 35-36.
  • Visser, P.: Flor Peeters, organist, Turnhout, 1950.
  • Visser, P.: Flor Peeters zeventig jaar, in: St.-Gregoriusblad, jrg. 97, nr. 3, juni 1973, p. 147-149.
  • Vyverman, J.: Flor Peeters, in: Muziek-Warande, jrg. 6, nr. 11, 1 november 1927, p. 221-224.
  • Whitacre, A.: Ars Organi, orgelmethode in 3 delen door Flor Peeters, in: Musica Sacra, jrg. 58, nr. 4, december 1957, p. 168-171.


  • Er was eens... - opus 31 (1934)
    voor piano vierhandig
  • Larghetto - opus 106 (1961)
    voor viool, cello en piano
  • Paraphrase über Regina Coeli - opus 140 (1986)
    voor cello en orgel
  • Sonata - opus 51 (1943)
    voor trompet en piano
  • Suite - opus 82 (1955)
    voor vier trombones
  • Trio - opus 80 (1955)
    voor fluit, klarinet en fagot


Meer info bij MATRIX

Peter Bovens

Symphonic Fantasy, opus 13

Stijn Hanssens

Op 4 juli 2011 was het 25 jaar geleden dat Flor Peeters exact op zijn 83ste verjaardag overleed. De belangstelling voor het werk van deze organist, componist en pedagoog is aan een merkwaardige en verdiende remonte bezig.

Historische teksten

Flor Peeters als spoorstudent

Flor Peeters

Tijdens de eerste drie jaar van mijn studies aan het Lemmensgesticht [vanaf 1919], was ik spoorstudent. Per week reisde ik tweemaal per trein van Tielen naar Mechelen en terug. Dat was niet niks in die dagen. Het Belgische spoorwegennet was wel het meest ontwikkelde van Europa, maar Tielen was destijds al heel ver van Mechelen.

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